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CONTEXT: Negative role modeling is a plague medical educators fight once students enter the clinical arena. The literature is replete on the fact that students routinely encounter faculty who display attitudes and behaviors inconsistent with the…

Medical schools have been slow to include meaningful end-of-life (EOL) educational experiences in their curricula. As an area of inquiry and focused clinical experience, death is "conspicuous" by its absence, reflecting a medical culture that defines…

White coat ceremonies are a recent phenomenon in medical education. Selected as a symbol by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation to impress upon medical students the importance of compassion and humility, the white coat has had a long association with all…

INTRODUCTION: Establishing a boot camp curriculum is pertinent for emergency medicine (EM) residents in order to develop proficiency in a large scope of procedures and leadership skills. In this article, we describe our program's EM boot camp…

The landscape of combined baccalaureate-MD programs has changed substantially in the last two decades but has not been documented in detail. The authors review the current state of these programs and discuss opportunities for future study of their…

Three distinct phenomena are currently at play in medical education: (1) the pervasive use of PowerPoint in teaching, (2) the wholesale application of competency models, and (3) the shift from paper reading to screen reading regardless of course,…

PURPOSE: To examine perceptions of the formal, informal, and hidden curricula in psychiatry as they are observed and experienced by (1) attending physicians who have teaching responsibilities for residents and medical students, (2) residents who are…

It would be unusual to find a current medical school administrator or faculty member who has not heard the phrase "literature and medicine" or who does not know that literature is taught in various forms-short stories, novels, poems, essays-at many…

Stories, film, drama, and art have been used in medical education to enhance empathy, perspective-taking, and openness to "otherness," and to stimulate reflection on self, others, and the world. Yet another, equally important function of the…

The Human Values in Medicine Program (HVM) at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine is composed of 120 required hours in medical humanities, social sciences, and behavioral sciences. In addition to a required HVM month in the fourth…

In this essay, I explore medical humanities practice in the United States with descriptions offered by fifteen faculty members who participated in an electronic survey. The questions posed focused on the desirability of a core humanities curriculum…

What lies beneath the formal or overt curriculum may impair students' professional growth and development, including their ability to foster genuine relationships with patients and others, and may contribute to the inadvertent, often negative…
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