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Medical schools have been slow to include meaningful end-of-life (EOL) educational experiences in their curricula. As an area of inquiry and focused clinical experience, death is "conspicuous" by its absence, reflecting a medical culture that defines…

A peculiar dynamic in communication exists between those who are most likely to be involved in life-prolongation decisions. We found that both the elderly and health care professionals talk about life-prolongation, but not with one another; that they…

CONTEXT: An estimated 60 million Americans use some from of complementary and alternative medicine, though approximately 70% do not tell their physicians about this use. Open communication between conventional medical providers and patients in this…

BACKGROUND: The role of the patient-physician relationship is a key issue in the management of lifelong, chronic conditions such as psoriasis, with each side bringing different perspectives. OBJECTIVE: To explore areas of congruence and disconnection…

This essay explores the various places inhabited by doctors and patients, in order to lead doctors to a more complex understanding of their patients' experiences of illness. Using Adam Haslett's "The Good Doctor" (2002), we examine what happens when…

From the poetry of William Carlos Williams, the novels of Walker Percy, and the short stories of Anton Chekov to the contemporary essays of Atul Gawande, physicians' contributions to literary genres have been significant. This article explores the…

Cultural competency efforts have received much attention in medical education. Most efforts focus on the acquisition of knowledge and skills about various groups based on race and ethnic identity, national origins, religion, and the like. The authors…

Slow medical education borrows from other "slow" movements by offering a complementary orientation to medical education that emphasizes the value of slow and thoughtful reflection and interaction in medical education and clinical care. Such slow…

OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to examine the preferences of patients regarding physician attire, and if their perception of physician competence was influenced by the physicians' clothing style. METHODS: Patients attending the obstetrics and…

Primary care physicians who encourage patients to interact in the medical interview receive high ratings of patient satisfaction with art of care. To determine if this finding holds true in specialty medicine, we designed a two-factor [art of care…

BACKGROUND: Medical educators act on the belief that students benefit from formal and informal educational experiences that foster virtues such as compassion, altruism, and respect for patients. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to examine…

What lies beneath the formal or overt curriculum may impair students' professional growth and development, including their ability to foster genuine relationships with patients and others, and may contribute to the inadvertent, often negative…
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