In the inferior colliculus (IC) cells integrate inhibitory input from the brainstem and excitatory input from both the brainstem and auditory cortex. In order to understand how these inputs are integrated by IC cells identification of their synaptic…
A GABAergic component has been identified in the projection from the inferior colliculus (IC) to the medial geniculate body (MG) in cats and rats. We sought to determine if this GABAergic pathway exists in guinea pig, a species widely used in…
Projections from auditory cortex (AC) can alter the responses of cells in the inferior colliculus (IC) to sounds. Most IC cells show excitation and inhibition after stimulation of the AC. AC axons release glutamate and excite their targets, so…
Responses of neurons to binaural, harmonic complex stimuli in urethane-anesthetized guinea pig inferior colliculus (IC) are reported. To assess the binaural integration of harmonicity cues for sound segregation and grouping, responses were measured…
One of the fundamental questions of auditory research is how sounds are segregated because, in natural environments, multiple sounds tend to occur at the same time. Concurrent sounds, such as two talkers, physically add together and arrive at the ear…
Projections from auditory cortex (AC) affect how cells in both inferior colliculi (IC) respond to acoustic stimuli. The large projection from the AC to the ipsilateral IC is usually credited with the effects in the ipsilateral IC. The circuitry…