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BACKGROUND: Injuries are a common reason for emergency department (ED) visits by older patients. Although injuries in older patients can be serious, 75% of these patients are discharged home after their ED visit. These patients may be at risk for…

BACKGROUND: Cognitive impairment due to delirium or dementia is common in older emergency department (ED) patients. To prevent errors, emergency physicians (EPs) should use brief, sensitive tests to evaluate older patient's mental status. Prior…

The streptococcal toxic shocklike syndrome is a recently recognized, multisystem disorder that shares many of the features of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome, but is caused by toxins elaborated by group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus. We describe…

Although there are no Class I data supporting the regionalization of trauma care the consensus is that trauma centers decrease morbidity and mortality. However, the controversy continues over whether trauma surgeons should be in-house or take call…

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