Browse Items (50 total)

Person matching promotes career exploration and choice by linking persons to persons in occupations based on inventory profile score similarity. We examined the efficacy of the procedure for career specialty choice. Medical students (N = 196 women,…

Adopting a work-play framework that attends to the adaptive, self-enhancing potential of play in work and human development contributes to an enhanced conceptualization of careers, both within career theory generally and the developmental perspective…

Theory suggests that proximal contextual variables contribute to women's underrepresentation in STEM fields. We therefore examined relationships between stereotype threat as a proximal contextual variable and academic self-efficacy. We also examined…

The present study examined the content in the Career Development Quarterly (CDQ) and the Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB) for a 20-year period. A total of 791 CDQ articles and 1062 JVB articles were classified into the substantive areas of career…

The present study investigated a conceptual framework for relating medical specialty choice to personality. The model was tested by examining personality differences among general surgeons, anesthesiologists, and family practice physicians. The 16…

This study investigated differences in personality patterns between person-oriented and technique-oriented physicians. It tested an integrative framework by converting the scores on the Personality Research Form (PRF) to the Big-Five factors and…
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