A 7-year-old girl was seen because of a 2-month history of an expanding patch of pruritus and scaling just below her umbilicus (figure 1). The patient also complained of a generalized rash on her arms and legs that had been present for 10 days.…
Primary care physicians (PCPs) usually are the first to diagnose and care for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This article discusses key teaching points of recently published guidelines for PCPs and the common challenges…
A 57-year-old woman presented with a rash on her legs that had recurred several times over the last 2 weeks. Initial treatment consisted of prednisone, 30 mg/day, for 5 days, but the rash had recurred when therapy was discontinued. Laboratory…
The primary care physician should be aware of recurrent corneal erosion, a condition that is quite common but is often misdiagnosed, Most cases are a result of minor corneal abrasion, after which the corneal epithelium undergoes a cycle of breakdown…
Pneumococcal infection is common in adults, and invasive disease is associated with a high mortality rate. Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine can prevent invasive pneumococcal disease and is recommended for people aged >= 65 years and for younger…
Pneumococcal disease, which includes pneumococcal pneumonia, meningitis, and bacteremia, is associated with substantial morbidity, mortality, and health care costs in adults. Advanced age, chronic lung or cardiovascular disease, immunosuppressive…
A 52-year-old man was referred for evaluation of three mildly pruritic patches on his right lateral upper arm, left shoulder, and right posterior thigh. The lesions had been present for 4 years, and although itching had decreased, they had failed to…
Characteristic clinical findings of fever, cough, and rhonchi, together with a new infiltrate on chest films and documentation of a pathogen, establish a diagnosis of infectious pneumonia. Several factors have had an impact on the approach to…
Primary care physicians have an important role in diagnosing and treating eye disorders–including dacryocystitis, blepharitis, and conjunctivitis–and in determining when ophthalmologic referral is needed. Fundus examination for diagnosis of glaucoma…
Thorough ocular history taking and physical examination are essential to establish a diagnosis in patients presenting with eye conditions. Some conditions require ophthalmologic referral to avoid serious complications and even vision loss. These…
Superficial fungal infections are easily managed once the proper diagnosis is made. However, misdiagnosis is not uncommon, and many standard approaches to treatment popular just a few years ago are now out of date or in need of refinement. Through…
Acne vulgaris is a common skin disease that is most effectively treated with a combination of topical products and, in some cases, systemic antibiotics. While it is important to treat papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts with topical or systemic…
Characteristic clinical findings of fever, cough, and rhonchi, together with a new infiltrate on chest films and documentation of a pathogen, establish a diagnosis of infectious pneumonia. Several factors have had an impact on the approach to…
A healthy 10-year-old boy presented with a widespread, nonpruritic, pustular rash of 3 days' duration. He reported having no fever, chills, or other systemic symptoms. Physical examination revealed perifollicular pustules concentrated in the swimsuit…
Acne vulgaris is a common skin disease that is most effectively treated with a combination of topical products and, in some cases, systemic antibiotics. While it is important to treat papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts with topical or systemic…
To determine the burden of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) affecting adults in North America, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to examine the incidence, morbidity and mortality, etiology, antibiotic resistance, and economic impact…