Several recent studies have provided evidence that gonadal steroid hormones can exert acute (nongenomic) effects on both neural and vascular tissues. This study examines the acute effects of testosterone (T) on vascular reactivity of the rat thoracic…
The gonadal steroid hormone, estrogen, can diminish the degree of striatal dopamine depletion resulting from methamphetamine. In this article, we describe the conditions of this estrogen neuroprotection as well as the potential for estrogen and…
We have recently reported that treatment of gonadectomized female and male C57/B1 mice with the gonadal steroid hormone, estrogen, reduced nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurotoxicity resulting from the Parkinson's-like inducing agent
In order to investigate the possible relationship among the olfactory bulb (OB), norepinephrine (NE) and gonadal steroids, we measured NE release from superfused anterior and posterior OB in intact and castrated male rats (Expt. I) as well as in…