Browse Items (1962 total)

OBJECTIVE: As one of the most popular social media used around the world, YouTube may be able to serve as a new medium for mental health education. This study aims to analyze and compare the performance of YouTube in disseminating dementia education…

This study asserts a theoretical model of academic and work socialization within the family setting. The presumed associations between parents' work valences, children's work valences and valence perceptions, and children's academic interest and…

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a severe neurodegenerative disorder, with no available drugs able to prevent the neuronal cell loss characteristic in brains of patients suffering from PD. Due to the complex cascade of molecular events involved in the…

Despite the large number of vaccines, this review asks the question "Why don'twe have vaccines for all infectious diseases?" The first and second parts of this series discussed basics of vaccine immunology and new approaches and outlined some of the…

Despite the large number of vaccines, this review asks the question: why do we not have vaccines for all infectious diseases? The first of this series discussed basics of vaccine immunology, new approaches, and outlined some of the difficulties and…

Spondyloarthropathy is a painful arthritic affliction of humans that also occurs in wild mammals. Important questions remain concerning the underlying causes of spondyloarthropathy in mammals, particularly regarding whether it is infectious in origin…

A 52-year-old man was referred for evaluation of three mildly pruritic patches on his right lateral upper arm, left shoulder, and right posterior thigh. The lesions had been present for 4 years, and although itching had decreased, they had failed to…

The authors prospectively investigated stress in 71, mostly European American pregnant women. Conservation of Resources (COR) theory was applied to assess the impact of resource losses and gains that occur in women's lives. Resources were defined as…

Numerous physiologic derangements can result when body-builders attempt to augment their muscle definition by using diuretics, potassium supplements, and dietary restrictions., A case report describes a 27-year-old male professional bodybuilder who…

Telemedicine is a broad term and has recently become a household term in the medical field. However, there are many interpretations as to what the term "telemedicine" means. There are many facets to telemedicine and here we describe all of the…

Orbital glands are found in many tetrapod vertebrates, and are usually separate structures, consisting of individual glands lying in the eyelids and both canthi of the orbit. In cetaceans, however, the orbital glandular units are less distinct and…

M. S. Richardson (1993) has proposed that vocational psychology be repositioned to a new theoretical location from which to produce knowledge about work in people's lives. This article underscores the importance of Richardson's proposal and comments…

Establishing a vocational and overall identity involve defining life altering plans and associated commitments to pursue and achieve them and are, therefore, among the most central aspects of the developmental tasks of late adolescents and emerging…

We report a kinetic study of the reaction between superoxide and an important intracellular form of vitamin B-12, cob(II)alamin. Superoxide is implicated in the pathophysiology of many inflammatory diseases, whereas vitamin B,2 derivatives are often…

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