The composition of cartilage is predictive of its in vivo performance. Therefore, the ability to assess its primary macromolecular components, proteoglycan (PG) and collagen, is of great importance. In the current study, we hypothesized that PG…
Career-Development Assessment and Counseling (C-DAC) systematically bridges career theory and practice. Integrating differential, developmental, and phenomenological methods, the C-DAC model uses a comprehensive career assessment battery to help…
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), one of the most common and lethal cancers, is a growing menace in modern society. Until recently, the majority of detected cases of liver cancer have been found in the developing nations of Asia and Africa; however,…
Replacement of ingredients or reformulating existing products can significantly change textural characteristics. Our aim was to investigate the effects of sensory input from different textures on adaptation of the chewing pattern. Jaw muscle activity…
This paper describes the development of a scalable intervention to reduce risk for depression and posttraumatic stress among medical examiner employees. Medical examiners identify the deceased, determine the cause and manner of death, and communicate…
Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of combined use of L-carnitine and vitamin C on partially burned skin flap in an experimental rat model. Material/Methods: In the rat dorsal skin, a 10x3 cm flap was marked. The most…
This article introduces the Major Contribution on integrating health and vocational psychology, using persons with HIV who have work-related concerns as an example. The authors describe the demographics associated with HIV disease and new treatments…
The authors prospectively investigated stress in 71, mostly European American pregnant women. Conservation of Resources (COR) theory was applied to assess the impact of resource losses and gains that occur in women's lives. Resources were defined as…
Interbody cage devices, used to assist interbody fusion, are rapidly gaining popularity in the surgical management of chronic low back pain. This update provides a structural classification of commonly used devices and assesses them against a set of…
Of current interest to the field are clinical frameworks that foster recovery. The authors offer a psycho-developmental model that parallels Erik Erikson's theory of human development, and theorize that the process of psychiatric recovery involves a…
Forming, pursing, and achieving life tasks constitute important determinants of subjective well-being (SWB). A principal life task for emerging adults involves deciding about career goals. Prior research indicates that depression predicts SWB and may…
Objectives: Our purpose is to assess the feasibility and success of laparoscopic ovarian debulking with electrosurgical loop excision procedure (LEEP) and argon beam coagulator (ABC). Methods: Thirty-six consecutive asymptomatic patients with…
Objective: According to the Transtheoretical Model (TM), tailoring interventions to patients' readiness to change can enhance patient progress and help patients use therapeutic resources more effectively. However, tailoring an intervention depends on…
Early cetaceans evolved from terrestrial quadrupeds to obligate swimmers, a change that is traditionally studied by functional analysis of the postcranial skeleton(1). Here we assess the evolution of cetacean locomotor behaviour from an independent…
AIDS risk behavior and attitudes towards safer sex were studied in a sample of 666 African American and 626 European American women. Condom use, AIDS-related knowledge, risk perception, self-efficacy beliefs, attitudes and perceived partner…
First published over 15 years ago, the Career Development Inventory (CDI; Super, Thompson, Lindeman, Jordaan, & Myers, 1979) measures readiness for making educational and vocational choices and operationally defines Super's structural model of…
Despite the large number of vaccines, this review asks the question: why do we not have vaccines for all infectious diseases? The first of this series discussed basics of vaccine immunology, new approaches, and outlined some of the difficulties and…
In the injured brain, the behavior of neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs) is regulated by multiple converging factors encountered in the niche, which is composed of several neural and non-neural cell types. Signals emanating from the host influence…